Should Christians vote based upon biblical morality or pragmatically per the ideas of Constitutional, enforceable, and just law?

1. The Range of Ideas

Yes. Maybe. No.


Christians have a moral, ethical, and absolute duty and obligation to vote first and foremost based upon the Bible. Christians need to stop compromising their faith and rationalizing away God’s word in the voting booth. Christians should boldly stand up for their values, beliefs, and morals by voting along them. Christians should be thinking about, considering, and interjecting their faith, God, and the Bible into every single vote, check-mark, and chad. If Christians do not strongly take their faith into consideration, they are no different from anyone else in the booth, and what than separates Christians from the world? If we are to be always in prayer and always thinking about God and His Word, than why would we do anything different when we go to vote? Compromising one’s faith by voting contrary to it to any degree or extent in the voting booth is a very slippery slope and is essentially what has led our country and society to break down over time. Christians must always vote based upon the Bible, God, and their faith.


Christians need to take into consideration both their faith and the constitution, laws, courts, and government officials. Christians need to be careful not to dogmatically make every issue a faith issue when voting. Most issues at the polls are not faith based issues, but rather practical matters that require intelligent and well thought out and thoughtfully considered decisions and conclusions on what the best outcome will be and how to get there. When there is an issue regarding faith, moral issues, social issues, etc, Christians still need to be cautious that they do not allow one small issue that conflicts with their faith overrule their broader common sense and rational logic that indicates that apart from that one small conflict, they should vote a certain way. Christians need to weigh and balance each vote and faith conflict and decide what battles are worth fighting and which are not. They need to consider what the best outcome will be and if it is worth certain faith compromises.


Christians shouldn’t mix their beliefs and politics when voting. Voting should be done only taking into consideration the constitution and other laws, policies, and governmental issues and factors at hand. Neither America nor any other nation is a Christian nation, therefore, decisions about secular matters should be made utilizing secular facts. Abortion and other social issues are not a good reason to vote along one’s faith beliefs and will lead to poor and misinformed decisions and outcomes. Faith will not run a country and government well, get roads built, and provide national security, but good solid decisions based on the constitution, laws, courts, and those in charge of them and their agendas will result in an improved and enriched country, people, and government.


Some questions to help you get started.

Is it a sin to cast a vote that at least in part leads to endorsing, legalizing, or legitimizing something that goes against the morals and ethics God establishes in the Bible?

Does God accept or not hold against Christians voting for the greater good even if it requires voting against truths in the Bible?

How many voting decisions actually involve issues about or related to Christian faith?

Is American a Christian nation?

If voting for or against something will both lead to voting against one’s faith and the truths in the Bible, should Christians refrain from voting at all?

At what point , severity, or level of infringement should Christians vote primarily and foremost based upon the Bible?

When does not voting in line with the truths in the Bible become sinful?

Are there any voting issues that always necessitate that Christians vote based upon the Bible?

2. Dogmas, Faslehoods, & Doesn’t Matter.

Tear into this discussion & separate out everything that’s untrue & doesn’t matter. Yes, this is probably going to hurt a little.

3. Facts & Truths.

What matters, what’s relevant, what’s real?
Challenge what you thought you knew & look at what actually is.

4. Essentials of Faith

What in this dicussion, if anything, is absolutely necessary for salvation?


Take a deep breath, you’re done with the discussion!
But if you like, here’s a thought just for fun.

Which political party would Jesus best and most relate to?